International Conflicts and Peace Making Process
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The present study is an analysis and legal evaluation of the UN peace keeping operations particularly India's contribution with regard to maintaining international peace and security. In the present study, it has become crystal clear that no international force has so far been capable to maintain complete peace and security; it has to contain itself with its general. responsibility, namely, supervising ceasefires, political frontier areas, enforcing law and order, etc. For the purpose, till now the United Nations has spent more than $ 24 billion in about 50 peace keeping operations. These forces, of course, without enemies have been designated under various titles like "Truce Supervision Organisation", "Disengagement Observer Force", and "United Nations Forces" etc. These would not exhaust the variety of the tasks which are contemplated by the protagonists of UN peace keeping. Through UN peace keeping, ceasefires have been monitored, borders patrolled, troop guaranteed, hostile armies insulated at safe distances, internal security maintained, and essential government functions preserved. Thus, the United Nations has proved itself as a living institution which reflects the changing conditions of the world. However, it is vital to note that the United Nations was created not to bring mankind to heaven but to save it from hell. The book may be proved a very useful contribution to the achievement of the UN Peace Keeping Forces, in particular the Indian Armed Forces which has not been adequately highlighted. The book will also provide academic material to the readers who cannot afford costly UN literature specially in developing and under developed countries.
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