Gender Equality and Sustainable Development
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About the Book
Gender equality appears to be catch-phrases of the 21st century. Everybody talks about it. But, women are nowhere equal participants in public policy choices that affect their life. While sustainable development aims at eradicating poverty by creating greater opportunities for all, reducing inequalities, raising basic standards of living and fostering equitable social development and inclusion. Thus, gender equality becomes a key factor for achieving sustainable economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability. It is believed that women of northeast India are better off than their counterpart in Indian society. But, the ground reality is very much different from what it is being observed. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the problem of gender inequality in northeast India to help us know better the status of women in the society.
The volume has eighteen research papers dealing with various dimensions of Gender Equality and Sustainable Development with Special Reference to North East India which are full of policy insights. The contributors range from eminent teachers, scholars to practitioners in and outside the North East Region. The book will be found very useful to policy makers, women NGOs, Social scientists, practitioners of political and administrative system in and outside the county.
About the Author
Lalneihzovi, MA, Ph.D. (Public Administration) has been teaching Public Administration subject at the PG and PG Diploma level in the then NEHU, Mizoram Universit Campus, Aizawl (now) Mizoram University since 1989. Presently, she is Professor in Public Administration and Honorary Director of UGC-Women’s Studies Centre, Mizoram University.
Currently, she is Honorary Secretary, Indian Institute of Public Administration - Mizoram Regional Branch. She has made significant contributions to promote the discipline of Public Administration through supervising Ph. D. and M. Phil Scholars; teaching and formulating courses at all levels of post-graduate, under-graduate and civil service syllabi; published more than 40 articles in prestigious journals, chapters in books, and authored and co-authored/edited 12 books. Majority of her publication works are relating to gender issues.
She also served the society in various capacities notably- Chairperson, PMSA-Core Committee, Govt of Mizoram, Founder & Advisor of an Association of Elected Women Representatives, Mizoram, Founder President, All Mizoram Women Federation, Founder President of AADPA, Former Advisor, MHIP, Task Force Member, NER Vision 2020, MoD, Govt of India, Former Editorial Board Member, IJPA, Life Member-IIPA, NEPASI, IAWS, ICPA etc.
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