The Illumined Vision: Essays On American Literature
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Rs. 90.00
The unifying vision that holds most of the essays together is that of transcendentalism of the 19th century American literature which is also the most fertile period in American history. What makes the book rewarding is that critical attention paid to less known aspects of well-known writers such as the poetry of Melville and Thoreau and the criticism of the Transcendentalists. An Indian approach is made in the analysis and understanding of American writing whenever it is justifiable. This has enriched the critical estimate of the works by leading a new dimension to the handling of material
Dr. C.N. Srinath (b. 1943) is a double Post-Graduate from Mysore and Leeds Universities and Ph.D. from Utah. He has published more than 25 articles in prestigious literary journals and also participated in a number of seminars. He is the author/co-author of Contemporary Literature in English, the Flowering of Australian Literature, English: Its Complementary Role in India, Towards a Common Indian Poetics Glimpses of Canadian Literature, and The Literary Landscape. He also co-edited Women in Fiction and Fiction by Women: The Indian Scene, and Identity of Text and Reader Response. He has been teaching English in the Bangalore University for over two decades where he is currently serving as Reader. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of The Literary Criticism (founded in 1952).
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