Post-Colonialism: Edward W. Said—As a Literary Critic
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Rs. 295.00
About the Book
Post-Colonial literature often addresses the problems and consequences of the decolonizaton
of a country, especially questions relating to the political and cultural independence of formerly subjugated people, and themes such as racialism and colonialism. A range of literary texts have evolved round the same theme. This book also attempts a venture around the same theme trying to explore some areas of post-colonialism. The book primarily focuses on the most important and influential postcolonial voices – Edward W. Said (1935-2003) as a literary critic, who is considered as the propounder of the post-colonial era and his two developmental, path-breaking and influential books Orientalism and Culture And Imperialsim. Orientalism — the concept that rocked the world and transformed territories. Said’s Orientalism remains one of the most influential texts in the contemporary world today. This book also discusses Culture and Imperialsim which is considered as a sequel to Orientalism, and the concept of worldliness hidden therein.
About the Author
Ms. Uheedah Shah (b. 1976) is Senior Assistant Professor of English at Islamia College of Science and Commerce, Srinagar, Kashmir with a teaching experience of more than 15 years. Her areas of research and publications include Post- Colonialism, Gender Issues and pedagogical concerns in ELT. She is a teacher-trainer and a Resource Person associated with Kashmir University,State Institute Of Education J&K and many other educational institutes. Ms. Uheedah Shah has published several papers and articles in reputed journals. She is the author of two books namely Teaching Of English and Teaching Of Physical Sciences. Ms. Shah is keenly interested in developing innovative methods and materials for ELT, literature & communication skills.
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