Bertrand Russell’s Neutral Monism
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Rs. 200.00
The present work is a study of Bertrand Russell’s metaphysical theory of Neutral Monism with particular reference to the relevant logico-epistemological issues and his Logical Atomism. Russell has often said that he has been misunderstood by many of his critics and commentators. In view of this, special care has been taken in the present volume in straightening Russell’s ideas at different stages of the development of his philosophical thoughts comparing them with the interpretations of his critics. In this respect, this book is a critical exposition of Russell’s theory. Two distinct phases of Russell’s Neutral Monism have been recognized: (1) Partial Neutralism and (2) Complete Neutral Monism. The failure to do this has led many of his critics to wrong interpretations of his position. An attempt has been made here to correct them. It is also contended that Russell is the originator of the Mind-Body Identity Theory which is more likely to be true in its neutral monistic form than in its present-day physicalist form.
Dr. Mafizuddin Ahmed (b. 1927) obtained his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Dhaka University after which he completed his Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of London in 1968. He has been engaged in teaching philosophy since 1952 and joined the Department of Philosophy University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh) in 1959, where he is at present Professor of Philosophy. He is one of the pioneers in introducing teaching and research of Philosophy in Bengali, and has done and guided research on the philosophical heritage of Bangladesh. He was Chairman of the Board of Editors for compiling DARSANA PARIBHASA KOSA, a book on philosophical terminologies in Bengali, published by the Bangla Academy, Dhaka. He represented his country in many International philosophical seminars and conferences including the Expert Committee Meeting organised by the UNESCO in Bangkok in 1983, on 'Teaching and Research in Philosophy: Asia and the Pacific'. His paper on the subject in connection with Bangladesh has been published in the UNESCO Volume II, 1986. His articles and publications include: 'Is the Concept of a Person a Primitive Concept? (English), 'Person and Personal Identity (English), The Development of Bertrand Russell's Metaphysics's (Bengali), and 'The Philosophical Traditions of Bangladesh and the Contemporary Scene' (Bengali). Dr. Ahmed is the founder editor of MANAN, a philosophical journal in Bengali, and has edited and contributed to an anthology on Bertrand Russell in Bengali, Published by the Manan Samiti, Department of Philosophy, Rajshahi University.
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