Treponema Denticola
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Rs. 400.00
In this book the effort has beenmade to emphasize theimportance of role ofTREPONEMA DENTICOLA inpathogenesis of periodontaldisease.T.denticola is frequentlyisolated from sites of severeinfection in patients withperiodontitis.The characteristicsofT. denticola that represent itsmajor virulence factors inchronic periodontitis are: itsmotility and chemotaxis, whichenable the bacterium to rapidlycolonize new sites, penetratedeep periodontal pockets, andpenetrate epithelial layers. Itsability to interact synergisticallywith other periodontalpathogens on several levels; itsability to produce cytotoxicmetabolites; and its ability toform biofilms and a range ofcell-surface proteins todysregulate the host defense tohelp protect the subgingivalbiofilm and cause host tissuedestruction.
About the Book--
Divya (b. 1987) B.D.S. M.D.S(Periodontics and OralImplantology) D.A.V.(C) DentalCollege, Yamunanagar, Haryana–one of the premier institutions inthe North India. She haspresented papers and posters atvarious national andinternational conferences. Shehas been actively engaged inorganising conferences andpublication in her credit. Shehas worked in Post-GraduateInstitute of Dental SciencesRohtak. In 2011 she visitedOxford University, U.K. foracademic work. Now she isactively involved in practicingas Periodontal Surgeon with aspecial emphasis on Treatmentof Gum diseases and bone loss(Chronic and AggressivePeriodontitis), Oral Implantology,Regenerative and resectivesurgical procedures, Mucogingivaland Aesthetic correction surgeries.
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