Transport Geography Of India
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Rs. 295.00
Transportation means movement of people and goods from one place to another. It symbolizes a real interaction between them which is the very vital part of geographic study. Also the economic development now depends mainly on how efficiently different areas are linked through transport. The efficient transportation system promoted healthy economic and socio-political setup. Backwardness and poverty are associated with immobility. The author, keeping in view the significance of transport, has attempted to depict intensively, the pattern of transportation in a micro administrative region like ?Chambal Division? which is physically the major portion of the lower Chambal valley, widely known for its deep ravines and ruthless robbers. The book deals with the evolution of transport, structural analysis of the transport networks, spatial pattern of the transport, accessibility, traffic flow, impact of transport economic development and finally the transport regionalization. The study highlights the real imbalances with respect to transport, suggests measures for the balanced growth and confirms its positive impact on the socio-economic development. The book will prove essentially useful for post-graduate students, researchers, economic planners, administrators and the decision makers.
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