Sustainable Innovation in Management by Abhijit Brahma, Kirtika Uzir, Priyanka Mahanta, Rashmi R. Baruah & Amit Kumar Singh
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The Book
Business is now much more actively striving to control the social and environmental effects of its actions,both internally and externally,in addition to becoming more conscious of those effects. In order to respond to this more complicated social and political backdrop, many businesses are turning to sustainability driven innovation in their goods, services, and business models. However, firms must decide whether to engage in incremental innovation or radical innovation while handling these new problems. This is due to the fact that many underlying technologies and systems in important industries like energy, transportation, etc. are now seen as essentially unsustainable because they rely on finite or non-renewable resources, or because they are at the root of serious global environmental issues like biodiversity loss or climate change. So there is a need for radical alternatives in society.
Firms have access to a variety of environmental measures, from proper housekeeping to integrating sustainability objectives into all corporate operations. Businesses must develop competencies, such as those in innovation, marketing, and communications, as well as the ability to manage relationships with regulators, clients, suppliers, and societal opinion leaders, such as civil society organisations. Therefore, how a company manages its external relationships has a significant impact on the challenge of innovation in management. Additionally, it is important to consider how the analysis of innovation management is connected to a web of relationships with wider socio-technical regimes, regulatory and social governance, and (global) value chains. Therefore, the main concern is about whether and how a company should commit the limited innovative resources to enhancing environmental performance, which could be expensive and result in benefits that aren’t always entirely recoverable.
The Editors
Abhijit Brahma (b.1993), MBA, M.Com, UGC- NET is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration University of Science and Technology Meghalaya. He is pursuing Ph.D from Bodoland University in the field of Green Marketing and Brand Equity. He has participated and presented papers in many national and international seminar. He has published many papers in Journals, Peer review journal, Book chapters and also have few edited books. His main area of interest is Finance and Marketing.
Kirtika Uzir (b.1991), MBA, B.E (Mechanical), UGC –NET is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration University of Science and Technology Meghalaya. She is pursuing Ph.D from Gauhati University in the field of Tourism Management. She has participated and presented papers in many national and international seminar and also published many research papers in journals and books and also have edited books. Her main area of interest is Human Resource and Tourism.
Priyanka Mahanta (b.1997), MBA (Gold medalist), UGC-NET is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration University of Science and Technology Meghalaya. She is pursuing her Ph.D from Mizoram University in the field of Green Marketing. She has published/presented research papers in SCOPUS/CARE listed journals, and also edited 3 book. She also participated in national and international seminars/webinars/training programmes. Here main area of interest is marketing and finance.
Dr. Rashmi Baruah (b.1974), presently working as an Associate Professor at the Business Administration Department, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya. She hasdone M.Sc; M.B.A and Ph.D. in Management from Tezpur University, India. She has almost 5 years of Industrial experience and more than 20 years of academic experience in the specific areas of Management Process and Organization Behaviour. She has published many papers in reputed National as well as in International journals and also published few books and chapters in edited books.. She has conducted a number of training workshops for private, public and multinational companies in the area of behavioural sciences.
Dr. Amit Kumar Singh (b.1973) is Professor in Department of Rural Management Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow and Former Head department of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl. He got his education from BHU, Varanasi, VBS PU Jaunpur and IIM Ahmedabad. He has published 5 books and more than 90 research papers International/National journals and edited books and also chaired session/ presented papers/delivered lecture in more than 50 seminar/workshop/conferences and Chaired International conference sessions in Thailand and Vietnam. Currently he is supervising 6 research scholars in area of human resource management, organizational behavior Carbon finance and green marketing.
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