The Wealth Of Arunachal Pradesh
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Rs. 275.00
The Wealth of Arunachal Pradesh is a comparative study of geo-economic and socio-economic variables of development in the light of the whole spectrum of the tribes and the tribal land of Arunachal Pradesh. The operational behaviour of the traditional as well as emerging sectoral variables of economic development are inescapably linked and have been analysed accordingly. The alignment of the present book reveals its scope and purpose. It is divided into five parts comprising a total of fourteen chapters. In Part I, the basic structure of the hill economy of Arunachal Pradesh such as topographical features, natural resources and constraints, population base and the socio-economic fabric of the tribesmen have been discussed at length. In the light of the revelations which emerged in Part I, the agriculture, the horticulture, the agro-horticultural marketing, the co-operation, the animal husbandry and veterinary services and the fisheries have been dealt with in Part II under primary sector. The industries have been discussed under secondary sector in Part III. Part IV has been devoted to tertiary sector deemed synonymous to service sector leading to over-all economic development of the territory. Under Part V, the planning programme has been discussed at length. An alternative model of planning has also been suggested. In a nutshell, The Wealth of Arunachal Pradesh is a treatise on the hill economy of this Territory. By and large, the book is an analytical approach. Last but not the least, the scrutiny of materials, the analysis, the interpretation and the discussion in this book have been aimed to catering to the wide-ranging needs of the applied researchers, the economic planners, the executives and, in particular, the students of Economics, pursuing Honours and M.A. Courses.
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