Structure Of Employment, Earnings And Assets In India
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In this study an attempt has been made to analyse the concept of, and the empirical evidence in favour of surplus labour and the hypothesis of zero marginal productivity of labour. Different criteria such as time, income, willingness and productivity have been used to obtain estimates of unutilised labour time. Traditional studies are mainly concerned with the measurement of the magnitude of unemployment and underemployment at macro level. but in a country like India employment problem in rural areas can not be just identified with unemployment problem. The analysis of situations of employed groups who earn and consume very little and own a meager assets is rather more important. The present book, which is based on the author?s Doctoral dissertation, examines the structure of employment, earnings and asset holdings and their interactions through the application of simultaneous equations model. Besides inequalities in the distribution of assets have also been analysed by drawing Lorenz curves and calculating Giri Rations. The detailed survey of labour time utilisation helped the author to analyse the employment situations in rural areas in South Rajasthan and to suggest some meaningful policy implications.
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