Stress to Satisfaction: A Study on Well-Being of Nurses
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Nurses play multiple roles depending on the unique needs of patients. They act as a teacher at times explaining to the patient and his/her family members about the medical condition of the patient and advising them on food intake, exercises, etc. In emergencies, when doctor is yet to arrive, she evaluates the patient condition, recognizes the problem, and implements interventions that are necessary to promote the health of a patient. Nurses also counsel patients and improve the psychological well-being (PWB) of patients by giving right kind of care at right time. But what if PWB of nurses comes down? What factors influence PWB of nurses? Is it possible for hospital management to enhance PWB of nurses? What will be the advantage to hospitals if the management improves PWB of nurses?
This research work is a modest effort to answer the above questions. In the process, the study compares the PWB of nurses in autonomous, private and government hospitals located in Hyderabad and Delhi. The study seeks to understand the factors influencing PWB of nurses. Further, the research analyses the association of PWB of nurses with their job satisfaction and suggest measures to improve PWB of nurses. The present book is divided into five chapters:-
Chapter – 1: Psychological Well-Being (PWB) and Nursing Personnel in Hospitals – An Overview
Chapter – 2: Objectives and Methodology
Chapter – 3: Profiles of Sample Hospitals
Chapter – 4: Analysis and Interpretation of Perceptions of Nursing Personnel
Chapter – 5: Summary of Findings and Suggestions
Dr. B. Madhu Bala (b.1977) is working as Professor in Department of Business Management in Aurora’s PG College, Hyderabad. She pursued MBA from OU, MPhil from SVU and obtained her doctorate degree from Acharya Nagarjuna University. She has 18 years of experience in academic field. She has participated in number of workshops, conferences, refresher courses and Faculty Development Programmes organized by Universities and renowned institutions. She worked on many case studies and textbooks. Her articles, case studies and research papers are published in many national and international journals. Her interest areas include Organizational Behaviour, Employee well-being, Talent management, Knowledge Management and International Business.
Dr. Talluru Sreenivas (b.1967) is Professor in the Department of Business Management. Presently, he is Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management and also Chairman, Board of Studies (PG) in Management in Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa (Andhra Pradesh). In his twenty two years of academic career, he has many accomplishments in teaching, research, and allied academic pursuits. He has to his credit a number of published books and articles on different aspects of management.
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