Sociology Of Development: Concepts, Theories And Issues
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Rs. 300.00
Impressive contributions have been made during the post-war era in that large and growing area of study which has come to be known as the ?Sociology of Development?. This work covers the key themes of the sociology of development ? concepts theories, and issues. The principal concerns of this book are four-fold. First, the classical roots and the historical context of a broad and complex array of ideas about social and cultural transition of the past designated as the ?ideas of progress? are presented on the legacy of which rest the contemporary connotations of what has come to be designated as the ?idea of development and modernization?. Secondly, the precise meaning of ?development? and ?modernization? is examined through a review of their frequent usage in popular and scientific literature and the issue is raised whether they be abandoned in favour of other more scientific and precise terms or be retained by clarifying them conceptually and defining them more rigorusely, giving them the flavour of scientific terminology. Thirdly, attempts have been made to explore and bring at one place some common conflicting theories about, and paradigms of, development and modernization of non-Marxist and anti-Marxist orientations and offer critiques of them. Finally, the leading theoretical issues involved in modernization theories have been pinpointed. These concerns are scattered throughout the work, hitherto unequalled for its comprehensiveness, depth and authority.
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