Restructuring Public Enterprises In India
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Rs. 395.00
The State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) offer the most potent source for strengthening the state finances and thereby contribute to the success of the second generation reforms which will guide the destiny of India during the first decade of the 21st century. The present book is based on extensive research undertaken by the authors on the restructuring of state level public enterprises in India. The research carried out envisaged acquiring detailed data and information through a specifically designed questionnaire from the state level public enterprises. The state-wise analysis presented in the book draws heavily on inputs from visits to various states and interaction with policy makers from state govern-ments and state public enterprise chiefs. Chapters one through nineteen of the book present a detailed account of the restructuring process initiated in various state level public enterprises, status of such exercises, the methods of restructuring and disinvestment adopted, the policy issues and bottlenecks involved and case studies of major restructuring initiatives. The concluding chapter provides detailed case studies on reforms in infrastructure develop-ment specifically regarding the state power utilities and state road transport corporation. The present book is intended to benefit public sector managers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and researchers and students of public policy, manage-ment and economics.
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