Problems And Prospects Of Plywood Industry
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Rs. 175.00
Over the past four decades the plywood industry passed through different phases of growth. The present study attempts to analyse some major economic and non-economic factors which have substantial bearings upon the growth and development of the plywood industry for the period 1950-51 to 1989-90. The book highlights, apart from finding possible solutions, certain chief problems faced by the plywood industry of Assam such as scarcity of timber, financial problem, manufacturing problem, marketing problem and the infrastructural setbacks. The book also projects the plywood production in 1990 and 2000 A.D. which shows declining growth during 1990s as compared to 1980s. the shortfall in supply of timber may go up and corresponding plywood production may therefore, decline further unless certain precautionary steps are taken up now on warfooting. The study in this book concludes that the success of the industry virtually depends on the policy decision of the Governments, both in the centre and the state. The book would surely prove highly useful not only for the industrialists but also for research scholars and the educationists. They may find in this study the factual and analytical information apart from comprehensive overview to the state of problems of the industry followed by suggestions, made therein.
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