Principles of Paleobotany
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Rs. 950.00
Botany is the science of plants. Science might be defined as an intellectual analysis of a given subject. It is the attempt to conclude from single observations to a general validity, to extrapolate from known and to have a look at different arguments. Plant kingdom is the base of Earth's food chain and, as such, is the foundation for all life as we know it today, in the recent past, and in the deep past. New ideas and theories pertaining to such topics as the origin and evolution of eucaryotes, the early evolution of ferns, the origin of seeds, and the origin and early evolution of gymnosperms and angiosperms. 'Integrated system' of course provides the useful floral characters found in taxonomic works and large number of families are illustrated. The book is designed so that selected parts can be used for graduate and post-graduate courses. The book contains: Introduction-The Origin of Plants-How Plants Conquered the Land?-The Origin of Seed Plants-Early Land Plants-Early Experiments in Plant Hybridization-Sequence Variation in Plant Systematics-Plant Structure-Plant Fossils and Their Preservation- Paleontology-Angiosperms-Lycophytes-Phylogenetics-Medullosans and Cycads- Ginkgo, Cordaites and The Conifers- Sphensosids and Ferns - Anthophytes, Glassopterids and Others. This book was not written primarily for paleobatanists but nevertheless makes a useful reference book for those who are interested in the evolution or relationships of flowering plant fossils.
Lily Bora born on 15th July, 1971 in Assam. She obtained Ph.D. in Botany from Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh. Then she worked for 10 Years as a Senior Plant Physiologist in Germany. She has edited two books on botanical studies. She has received several awards for significant contributions in Botanical teaching and research. She has delivered lectures in International and National seminars and workshops on above aspects. She is a chief editor of well-known monthly magazines and journals.
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