Primary Health Care Management in India
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At present, the PHCs all over the country are mostly being managed by the Medical Professionals without any formal education and training in Management. They are ignorant of basic Management principles & techniques, Behavioural issues and other related matters. But they are forced to organize these institutions, other than the field they are actually trained for. This results in underutilization of the resources available to the PHCs.
This research work is a humble attempt to analyze the Management functions in Primary Health Centres, and to suggest ways for their better functioning. In the process, the work tries to probe into the growth and working of PHCs, investigates the Managerial Problems, existing procedures and Patient Satisfaction survey, about the performance of PHCs, with aim to suggest measures for strengthening the prevailing system. This publication may be of special significance for faculty, researchers who are pursuing research studies in this area and policy makers.
Chapter-I Healthcare and Role of Primary Health Centre
Chapter-II Objectives & Methodology
Chapter-III Management Process in PHCs–I
Chapter-IV Management Process in PHCs–II
Chapter-V Patient Satisfaction
Chapter-VI Impact on Managerial Effectiveness & Patient Satisfaction
Chapter-VII Findings and Suggestions
About the Author
K. Kalyan Chakravarthy (b.1979) is working as an Associate Professor in Department of Management Studies, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, AP. He has 9 years of teaching experience at the Post Graduate level. Dr. Kalyan holds M.B.A, M.A.,(Criminal Justice), M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Acharya Nagarjuna University in faculty of Management. His areas of Specialisation are Marketing and Forensic Psychology. He has participated in number of refresher courses and Faculty Development Programmes organized by Academic Staff colleges of different universities in India. He has Published articles at national and International level. He has Presented 11 papers at National and International level Seminars / Conferences.‘
Talluru Sreenivas (b.1967) is Professor in the Department of Business Management. Presently, he is Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management and also Chairman, Board of Studies (PG) in Management in Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa (Andhra Pradesh). In his twenty two years of academic career, he has many accomplishments in teaching, research, and allied academic pursuits. He has to his credit a number of published books and articles on different aspects of management.
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