Population Dynamics and Economic Development
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Rs. 295.00
Population, it needs no saying, is always an Integral part of socio-economic development of a state/country. Unlike other developed states of the country, study on population dynamics and its role vis-a-vis socio-economic development in Manipur is very rare and scantily treated. This book, a pioneering attempt examines on the basis of primary data the crucial role and the importance of socio-economic and demographic factors influencing the fertility and mortality behaviour of the married couple. Using statistical techniques, this study establishes the hitherto little known fact that the attitudes of the couple towards marriage and reproduction have a direct bearing on the fertility and mortality behaviour irrespective of the socio-economic environment of the couple. This book, a must for any student of population studies, policy makers and planners, amply brings out the correlation between demographic and economic factors vis-a-vis economic development of Manipur. Not only the book reveals but establishes very clearly the high correlation between economic development and population dynamics.
Binota Meinam (b.1959) obtained her Master degree in Economics from Aligarh Muslim University in 1984. She obtained her Doctorate in Economics from Manipur University in 1990. In 1989, she joined Manipur University as a Junior Research fellow at the Centre for Tribal Studies and since then is actively engaged in research and documentation activities on Tribal Development. She has to her credit several professional papers/articles/monographs on tribal development. Of the research projects that she has handled and successfully completed, mention could be made of Baseline Survey on Maram primitive tribe of Manipur (Government of India, Ministry of Tribal Affairs 2002;) Urban Development Schemes (Government of Manipur, 1998); Aimol Tribe of Manipur (Government of Manipur 1998); Vaiphei Tribe of Manipur (Government of Manipur, 1997); Baseline Survey on Water and Sanitation (Indian Institute of Mass Communication. New Delhi, 1996). A teacher by choice, she has been teaching Economics for the last fifteen years at different Colleges of Manipur. Currently serving as senior Lecturer in Economics at Imphal College, one of the premier Colleges of Manipur. She is actively engaged in teaching and research activities besides guiding doctoral students.
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