Planet Protection-Biodiversity, Conservation Environmental Education And Degradation And Socio-Economic Development
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Rs. 495.00
The mother earth in the present day context witnessed a dramatic change which leads to the degradation of the planet. The degradation is of recent nature which started in past few decades. Man has brought the planet to the brinks of disaster by various ways. Today we drink, breathe, smell and eat polluted things due to the greediness of man. The natural resources of the earth became polluted which is intolerable for the living beings of the planet. The population pressure increased day by day by which much of world's natural resources degraded causing extinction to many species. Due to advancement and invention of modern technology, earth's genetic wealth depleted tremendously. The present work is a collection of selected articles on these issues contributed by eminent academics, scholars and scientists from various corners. This book is multi-disciplinary and is likely to prove useful for scholars, scientists, researchers and students engaged in environmental studies.
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