Globalization and Social Change by Dr. Prabhat Kumar Singh
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The present book namely “Globalization and Social Change” is the collection of Research papers, presented in International Conference on Social Change and Challenges in the Era of Globalization held in 27th September 2018 to 29th September 2018 at University Department of Sociology, Ranchi University, Ranchi Jharkhand. This conference is sponsored by Department of Higher Technical Education and Skill Development, Government of Jharkhand and In collaboration with Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi.
The concept of globalization means that the world is getting smaller as well as bigger. Globalization can contribute to develop pattern of cross border activities of firms, involving international investment, trade and strategic alliances for product development, production, sourcing and marketing. The globalization as a process of rapid economic, cultural, and institutional integration among countries. The Era of Globalization is fast becoming the preferred term for describing the current times. Globalization describes the political, economic, and cultural atmosphere of today. While some people think of globalization as primarily a synonym for global business, it is much more than that. not exist also allow social activists, journalists, academics, and many others to work on a global stage. This book brings together a wide range of expertise addressing these issues from the perspective of authors from around the world.
Dr. Prabhat Kumar Singh, (b. 1958) M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D. from Patna University Joined as a lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Mandar College (A Constituent Unit of Ranchi University) from February, 1985. A well known academic and research scientist is presently Associate Professor and Ex-Head, University Department of Sociology and Director, Human Rights Education in Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. As a social scientist, he has also written innumerable research papers and articles for leading newspapers and journals of national and international repute. He has authored many outstanding books and awarded by many organizations for his outstanding contributions. In addition, he is also member of a number of internationally reputed learned societies. He has guided a number of research students, conducted specialized course and chaired various sessions. He has also organized many National and International Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop.
He has worked as a Junior Investigator in the Research Project on world food programme and Supplementary Nutrition programme in the State of Bihar at National Institute of Nutrition Hydrabad (A.P.), in 1981. He has also worked as a Research Officer in the Research Project on Swidish International Development Authority on Social Forestry at Bihar Tribal Welfare Research Institute Ranchi, Bihar in 1982. He has also attended pre-budget meeting at Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affair Government of India, North Block, New Delhi on 6th February 1990.
At International level he has attended conference and present a paper at Metropolis 90 Third Congress metropolises at Melbourne Australia 15-19 Oct., 1990, And also present a paper and attended conference at University of Pitsburg, (USA) on 14-17 March 1991.
He is member/life member of different professional and Educational Institutions, i.e., Indian Sociological Society, Indian Association of Study of Population, Association of Indian University, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Education Society Pitsburg USA, American Sociological Association USA, and Bihar Sociological Society.
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