Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development in North-East India
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Rs. 750.00
The book is an edited volume of 27 articles interdisciplinary in nature presented in a National Seminar organized in J.N. College, Pasighat on Natural Resources and Tribal Communities in Northeast India. The relationship between the indigenous tribal people and the available natural resources around them is multi-facets. The present book examined and analyzed four issues such as the degree of dependency of poor tribals on natural resources in general and forests in particular, how far they are responsible for the destruction of these valuable resources in recent years in the region, to what extent the poor tribals are affected by the depletion and degradation of those God gifted resources on which they depend significantly, and the indigenous wisdom of management of natural resources including institutional factors that prevail in the self-governed tribal society.
Nursadh Ali, (b. 1963) in West Bengal is currently Selection Grade Lecturer in Economics and Head of the Department in Jawaharlal Nehru College, Pasighat. He took higher education including B.A. (Hons) in Economics, M.A. in Economics and Ph.D in Economics in 1985, 1987, and 1994 resectively from Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan. Dr. Ali had been the Visiting Fellow in Indiana University, Bloomington, USA with the World Bank Post Doctoral Fellowship on Environmental Economics for about one year in 2001-02. He is the author of a book entitled Allocative Efficiency of Rice Farmers in West Bengal and has published about a dozen of research papers on various issues of economics in reputed academic journal of national importance. Dr. Ali's areas of research Interest is natural resources management through institutional approach and sustainable development.
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