Modernising Organisation
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Rs. 175.00
There are many experiences of success and failure of technology upgradation. In the emerging market situation, the Indian industry has to upgrade technology and bring about managerial and systemic changes to derive the best adbantage from it. This book identifies the kind of changes that are needed and the aspects that the management has to consider to modernise an organisation. These considerations are discussed in this book through the experience of Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) belonging to Steel Authority of India. DSP was loss making. The morale of employees was low. The union-management relations were strained. The earlier investment mode to increase the Plant capacity from 1 to 1.6 million tons yielded no positive results. SAIL had to deal with four kinds of problems: (I) decide on the kind of technology required, (ii) improve the morale of employees of all levels, (iii) stabilise union-management relations; and (iv) change management style to bring about and sustain changes. DSP handled these issues successfully in planning and managing new technology. Organisations, large and small who have to respond to emerging market situation, and plan changes from within, would fin this study invaluable.
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