Manual On Instructional Aids For Teaching Excellence
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Rs. 125.00
Excellent teaching involves more than the traditionally advocated characteristics/traits, taught in the usual College/University pedagogical courses. Teaching excellence centres around the relationship between the teacher, the learners and the job. Teaching is learner-centred: the objective of the teacher, the motivation to act, the evaluation of teacher performance, all start and end with the learner. To achieve this objective or to make it happen in reality, it is universally acclaimed by the Educational Technologists that selected instructional aids must be used during teaching/instruction in training and education. The instructional aids enable learners to see and hear, look and listen efficiently and with greater understanding. To a large extent, the teacher?s success ? the degree of progress made by his/her ability to communicate. And to communicate better and more effectively, audio-visual aids have greater role to play. Keeping all these in view the present compilation has been planned to incorporate and focus the use of various instructional aids for effective teaching to achieve teaching excellence and making learning more holistic and meaningful. It is expected that this manual will greatly meet the varying needs of different clientele ? students, teachers, researchers, educational technologists and development administrators involved in education and training.
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