Integrated Rural Development: Prespectives And Prospects
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India has initiated various rural development programmes since Independence beginning with Community Development Programme of 1952 but the eighties saw the advent of Integrated Rural Development Programme plays the major role in Government?s efforts to raise the rural areas above poverty line. Initiative has been taken in impressing the socialand economic infrastructure of the rural poor, covering all the 5011 blocks in the country. The Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) is desired to benefit the rural poor taking the family as the unit of development. The I.R.D.P. emphasised eradication of poverty bringing to the forefront worker as agricultural labourers. Families living below the poverty line were identified and supported through bank credit to some approved limit, subsidies, technical guidance and help them towards self-employment. This led to the introduction of TRYSEM (Training of Rural Youth for Self-employment) and ISB (Industries, Services, Business). TRYSEM pin ?pointed the rural youth who had no handical skillsor satisfactory job and thereby ended to migrateto urban areas. This programme was a means through which rural technology was brought into lime-light and its advantages popularised. The ruralyouths were provided training as mechanics working on pumps and tractors, local crafts were taught, and given incentive, cottage industry was enhanced, ladies and girls were taught sewing etc. and thereby leading them towards self-employment. To be successful the rural development programme needs to be flexible, taking into account the local needs and problems. The rural poor should be involved in the planning and implementation of the programmes for better results. The officials should keep an open mind and not be biasedor prejudiced but workwith commitment and understanding.these have been highlighted by the author in the present volume thereby adding to its utility for the planners and administrators entrusted with rural development programmes.
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