Industrialising Economy And Labour Market In India
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Rs. 185.00
This book is an attempt to understand labour market process in a developing industrial region with a view to verify various theoretical and empirical propositions in relation to labour market behaviour and to identify areas for policy intervention to facilitate the attainment of the objections of the programmes for industrial development in such backward areas. It is the first attempt of its kind since labour market studies have been confined to urban areas. For the first time, an integrated conception of a local labour market has been adopted in this study which can be effectively used for delineating boundaries of local labour markets. In the analysis of labour market processes, classification of workers according to skill levels poses severe problem. The classification scheme adopted in this book is a novel approach but without any loss of vigour. Economic studies of labour market are hardly successful in including unionisation aspect. This book includes unionisation process, existence of leading union, extent of unionisation and the impact of union as an institution on the labour market processes. This book is thus helpful to researchers, planners and executors as well as to all those entrepreneurs who are inspired by the government policy to establish their units in developing industrial centres.
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