Industrial Training and Education
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Rs. 750.00
Industrial training is one of the most crucial components of human resource development. It is a basic and essential input for national development and for strengthening our industry, economy and the quality of life of our people. Naturally, industrial training as a priority sector. The beneficiaries of industrial training are not only the students, but also the industry, the government and the society at large. With the exponential growth of the industrial sector in India, it has become increasingly necessary for industrialists and managers to recruit skilled manpower able to face the stiff market competition. Thus this is a book designed to help them build a more competent, qualified and efficient workforce. It will be a useful reference tool not only to the planners but also to the employers, employees and those who are aspiring for jobs.
Lokesh Choudhary has had a distinguished career in industrial training that includes teaching, writing, research and administration. His area of interest is research in technical, vocational and distance education in general, and development of industrial training in particular. He has published a number of research papers in national and international journals. Throughout his academic career, he had been the recipient of many awards and fellowships. He has participated actively in international, national and regional conferences. He is a member of the administrative boards of several educational institutions. At present he is actively involved in research in the area of employers' and students' perception of industrial training and efficiency of industrial training programmes.
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