Industrial Landscape Of North-East India

Industrial Landscape Of North-East India

Regular price Rs. 350.00

The strategic and vulnerable location of the North-east region, the various economic constraints and peculiarities and the interdependence of the constituent sister states call for special weightage for accelerated economic development through rapid industrialisation and modernisation of the agriculture sector. The book brings into focus the mutually inter-linked areas and the various issues common to the states in the region, and unfolds a wider spectrum of relevant materials from early British days till the present time, landscaping the gradual move of the region in the industrial horizon. It features mainly the small scale industry sector that has occupied an important place in the highlights the movement programme of industrial Estates which are meant to support this sector in a prominent way through operational excellence. The author highlights the socio-economic realities, visualises the potentialities of these frontier states in the region and lays stress on industrial dynamics through practical measures to improve the contemporary socio-economic and industrial scenario of the country.

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