Inclusive Growth in Agriculture
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Rs. 1,495.00
The Approach Paper on the Eleventh Five Year Plan "Towards faster and more inclusive growth" reflects the need to make growth "more inclusive" in terms of benefits flowing through "more inclusive" in terms of benefits flowing through more employment and income to those sections of society which have been by passed by higher rates of economic growth witnessed in recent years. With a view to generate empirical information on the important interrelated elements of Inclusive Growth in Agriculture to suggest measures for framing suitable policies so as to reach the benefits of the rapid economic growth to all sections of the society in agricultural sector the national seminar was organized by the Department of Economics, Osmania University. The present volume is the outcome of the proceedings of national seminar. The papers included in the present book have been into the four sections: I - Irrigation and Inclusive growth: II - Credit and Inclusive Growth: III - Poverty, Food Security, Employment and Inclusive Growth and IV - Rural development, Regional Disparities Inputs, Land Reforms and Inclusive Growth.
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