Health and Development Interface in Mizoram
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About the Book
The book mainly focuses on the intrinsic relationship of health and development. It covers the ecological intertwines of human capital, society and environment in a broader sense. The book examined health from the perspectives of both ‘time’ and ‘space’ and also from the perspective of development. The ultimate goal and objective of the book is to make the readers to understand how can development parameters like poverty, education, occupation, mass media exposure, accessibility or road conditions and distance of healthcare infrastructure influenced the attitude of health care seekers in the roughly decorated landscape of the Himalayan foothill state of Mizoram. The book addressed problems like -how the geographically difficult terrain of the Himalayan state determined the health seeking behaviour of the people? How the level of education affects the attitude of health seekers in the second highest literate state of India? Are there any inter-district disparities and rural-urban gap in the second most urbanized state of Mizoram? How far occupations, income and mass media exposure are responsible for healthcare seekers in Mizoram? It also touched upon the prevalence of diseases and death in the study area. Therefore, development is the prerequisite for individual health, societal health and eventually for the health of nation.
There are six chapters in the book and each chapter dealing with a particular aspect of the research undertaken. The first chapter introduces the concept of health and development, importance of healthcare and methodology of the research. The second chapter focuses on the background of the study area by highlighting the level of developments based on various parameters of development. The third chapter highlighted inter-districts variations of development and health seeking behavior and the fourth chapter limited its examination on the rural-urban disparities regarding the level of development and performance of people in seeking healthcare. The fifth chapter emphasis on the analysis of the influence of developmental factors on health seeking behaviour in Mizoram and the final chapter consist of major findings and conclusion.
K.C. Lalmalsawmzauva (b.1982) Ph.D is Assistant Professor, Department of Geography & Resource Management, Mizoram University. India. For his credit he published a good numbers of books, research articles and presented papers in various academic conferences in different countries. He also done some project funded by different agencies including FAO. He is the founder president of NEHU Geographical Research Forum (NEHU-GRF), Shillong.
His area of interests includes Political Geography, Resource Geography, Applied Climatology, Health Geography and other Interdisciplinary subjects.
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