Good Governance and Administrative Practices
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Rs. 595.00
The dawn of the new millennium has been a period of exceptional changes in the theory and practice of good governance in India. The major policy issue confronting the government during the last few decades has been the issue of liberalisation for industrial progress and the changing role of the public sector in India's economic development and its implications for administrative developments. The system of governance has undergone radical changes throughout the globe and its influence has come heavily on India too. In the ongoing process of the restructuring of global power relations, the Indian institutions for governance will have to develop new and powerful capabilities to negotiate and bargain with the real centres of world power. Against this backdrop the present volume highlights the issues and concerns under two broad themes - Good Governance and Administrative Practices, in the light of the Indian experience. The volume contains a collection of sixteen research papers and articles contributed by renowned academics, jurists and administrators. After examining the multifarious aspects of the two core areas, the distinguished contributors make vital suggestions for revamping and revitalising in view of the existing constraints of these areas. Areas of discussion include Constitutional Culture and Good Governance, Corruption, Democracy and Good Governance, E-Governance. Administrative Reforms in the Information Age, Reforms for Better Representation for Ensuring Good Governance, Bureaucracy, Development and Good Governance, Reservation from Public to Private Sector, State Autonomy under Article 370, Political Factor in Growth, Development and Administration, Political Economy of Global Outsourcing, Communist Strategies in India, Gandhian Ideals for Good Governance and Role of Gandhiji and Nehru in the making of New Governance for India. The views and opinions expressed by the contributors are of immense value for policy makers, planners, administrators and academicians.
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