Global Climate Change-Indo-US Perspective
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About the Book
What has swirled the entire humanity along with the living non-human world to the gnawing apocalypse is the continuing persistence with the fossil fuel based development since the dawn of industrial revolution in West in 16th century resulting in devastating climate change with its wreaking of unmitigated havocs on earth due to unremitting emission of CO2 and other Green House gases to the atmosphere. Scientists are of the unanimous view that unless and until the emission of these dangerous gases is reduced to a stage that would keep the temperature of the earth at 1.50 Celsius at the preindustrial level, there is remote chance of survival on this planet. In tandem with this, is required the adaptive measures through science, innovative technology and indigenous knowledge to grapple with the vicissitudes of climate change. The world leaders under the aegis of United Nations taking seriously the findings of IPCC Reports have been meeting together since the Earth Summit in 1992 to hammer out a permanent solution to the contretemps unspooled with the signing of the historic Kyoto protocol in 1997 among the nations of the world and culminating in Paris Climate summit in 2015 which American president Trump outright reneged on its commitment driving the last nail into the coffin of climate change negotiations.
The present book is a critical narrative and analysis of the tumultuous path the global climate change negotiations have traversed since Kyoto protocol with US and India playing a pivotal role with their different stance and views in finally clinching at the Paris.
About the Authors
Prof. Narottam Gaan (b. 1955), both Ph. D and D. Litt at present Professor and Head, Department of Political Science and Human Rights, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (Central University), Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh is an eminent and widely acclaimed scholar in Political Science and International Studies. Not being lured by the lucre of Allied Services (ICS) he preferred to stay in the academic life. Publication of more than 100 articles and research papers of international repute in various journals in India and abroad, and thirteen books stand as a testament to his illuminating scholarship on contemporary global and national issues. Privileged to visit Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia on an Austrian government fellowship, he attended innumerable conferences and programmes abroad and obtained Advanced degree in international studies from European University Center for Peace Studies, Austria. In recognition of his great contribution to peace and harmony of the world through his inspiring articles and presentations he has been adorned with Ambassador of Peace Award by Universal Peace Foundation, South Korea on 10th September, 2014.
Shesanjali Panda (b.1977), A serious, intelligent and diligent scholar she at present teaches Political Science in Women’s Degree College, Kamakshyanagar, Odisha. She has published many articles in various journals in India and abroad and participated in national and international seminars. Recently she has completed her Ph. D from Utkal University. Very original and analytically sharp she has remarkably marked a reputed place in the academic realm.
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