Forty-Six Years Of Indian Journal Of Entomology: A Cumulative Index (Vol. 1-46, 1939-84)
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Rs. 300.00
Indian Journal of Entomology is being published since 1939. The journal has been bringing out research publications of various authors on all the aspects of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology. For the vastness of the journal it is essential to have some kind of an INDEX so that information contained in the journal can be easily and quickly located by research workers. The cumulative index for the ?Indian Journal of Entomology? provides such an opportunity. It contains all the references of published work of 46 Years. The Index has been divided into 3 parts for easy location. (1) Subject Part: All the research papers published during the last 46 years have been divided into different subjects according to their content. Papers on one subject are clubbed and therefore, the whole subject part contains chapters like taxonomy, morphology, anatomy, nutrition, artificial diet etc. Thus information on any subject can be collected from the subject part. (2) Author Index helps locating all the papers published by an author from his name. (3) Genus-Species Index helps location information on any genus/ species in the book. All the papers published have been numbered from one onwards and all these entries have been in serial order to avoid any confusion. These entry numbers are used to indicate information in Author Index and Genus-Species Index. All the papers published have been numbered from one onwards and all these entries have been in serial order to avoid any confusion. These entry numbers are used to indicate information in Author Index and Genus-Species Index. It has hoped that the INDEX will prove highly useful for research scholars and all others interested in the research in this line of study.
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