Forest Farming: Conservation, Protection, and Consumption in Rural India
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In most of the developing countries the rural masses are partially dependent upon forest resources for domestic needs of food, fodder, fuel and timber etc. the traditional fuels such as fire wood and agricultural residues are generally used for cooking and heating in rural areas. These necessities are to be fulfilled either from own farm resources, i.e. own trees (farm forestry) or from the public/government forests. This book is designed as an introduction to the subject of forest resources utilisation at the rural household level. The book highlights the villagers’ basic requirements of fodder, fuelwood, timber, and attempts to determine the extent of their dependence on various forest products. It also examines the efforts of farmers in fulfilling their requirements from various sources, particularly from their own. As the economy of rural masses especially in hilly regions depends on natural resources and its uses, availability and sustainability become the prime concern for the people living in these areas. The present book covers all these aspects and highlights the role of farm forestry in rural economy.
Dr. D.V. Singh (b. 1949) is an agricultural graduate of Agra University and obtained his Master’s degree in Economics. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from Meerut University, Meerut. Since 1973 he is associated with the cost of cultivation studies, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. During this period he has worked on different positions. Presently he is holding the position of Project Officer, Integrated Watershed Development (Hills) Evaluation Project H.P. funded by World Bank and also officiating as Officer Incharge/ Hon. Director (CCS), Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. He is the author of several research papers published in national journals of repute and also published a book Production and Marketing of Off-Season Vegetables. Dr. B.K. Sikka (b. 1951) obtained his post-graduate and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Economics from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. He started his professional career as Senior Economist in the Project Evaluation cell a World Bank Project, during 1975-1981 when he chose to join as Research Officer at Agro-Economic Research Centre, H.P. University, Shimla. In 1988 he rose to the position of Officer Incharge/Hon. Director (CCS) presently on lien of the same organisation which he is holding at present. He has also been acting as Member Secretary (Western Himalayan Region) or Agro-Climatic Zonal Planning Team of the Planning Commission, Govt. of India. In addition to his nomination in various committees/groups etc. at State and National level he is also the Vice-Chairman of Working Group of Horticultural Economics in Developing Countries of International Society for Horticulture Sciences, since 1990. During this brief period he has to his credit a large number of research reports, papers and articles published in national and international journals of repute. He has already authored five books.
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