Entomopathogenic Nematodes And Insect Pests by Mohamed Abdel-Raheem, Hanaa Sedhom, Dina S.S. Ibrahim & Jitamoni Bhattacharyya
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Rs. 600.00
The interest in the use of entomopathogenic nematodes as biological pest control agents has increased exponentially over the past decades. A hundred different laboratories explore these nematodes and their bacterial symbionts in more than 60 countries from every inhabited continent.
Despite research breadth that extends from molecular biology to field ecology, the discipline is unified by common interest in biological control. Thirty years ago, the idea of using nematodes to control pest populations was vague promise held by the handful of researchers working with these obscure insect parasites.
Today, they are no longer a laboratory curiosity but have begun to gain acceptance as environmentally benign alternatives to chemical insecticides.
The entomopathogenic nematodes have proven particularly successful and are now commercially mass-produced in six of the seven continents to treat pest problems in agriculture, horticulture and human husbandry.
The ease of mass production and exemption from registration requirenments are the two major reasons for early interest in the commercial developments of entomopathogenic nematodes.
However, demonstrations of practical use, particularly in Europe and North America and subsuquently in Japan, China and Australia, spurred developments across the world that have led to the availability of nematodes against pests that were once thought impossible to control.
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Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Raheem Ali Abdel-Raheem, (b 1969) Prof. of Entomology (Biological Control), Pests & Plant Protection Department, Agricultural and Biological Research Institute, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt. Published (139) publications ((60) papers, (73) Books and (6) Book chapters), h-index ( Scopus) (8), Citations ( 171 ), h-index (Google Scholar) (12) , Citations (553), h-index (Web of Science) (3), Citations (19), Reviewers in (82) International Journals, Reviewed (241) article in Biological Control, Editor in Chief in (6) Journal, Editorial board in (21) Journals, Associated Editor in Chief in (10) Journal, attended (24) conference, (215) workshop, (80) Symposium, Forum (4), Prize (4), Others (30), PI and Organ in (16) Projects, Training courses (53), Trainees (4), TV & Radio (12), Supervisor on Ph.D. thesis (1), Committee Ph.D. thesis (1), member in (10) scientific Foundation.National Research Centre. 33rd ElBohouth St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
Prof. Dr. Hanaa Sedhom (b 1967), Nematode Diseases Department, Plant Pathology Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza12619, Egypt. Published (32) publications, member in (4) scientific Foundation.
Assoc. Prof. Dina S.S. Ibrahim (b 1986), Associate professor of Nematology and Biotechnology Department of Nematodes diseases and central Lab of biotechnology, Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza1 2619, Egypt. Published (30) publications ((26) papers, (4) Books, Reviewers in (4) International Journals, (7) conference, (3) workshop, (1) Symposium, Organ in (10) Projects, Trainees.
Ms. Jitamoni Bhattacharyya, M-Phil. (b 1969), (B.Sc with major in Botany). Librarian at Biswanath College. Worked at Biswanath Agriculture college as a guest faculty member.Author of 11 books,10+book chapters .All are Published nationally and internationally.5 paper published in proceeding books .More than 30 article published in different News paper in Assam. Advisory board member of two journal (national and international).Reviewer board member of one International journal. Attended various seminars, conferences, workshops. Working as a state representative of Bharat scouts and Guides (Sonitpur & Biswanath District).
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