Economic Reforms & Agricultural Development In North-East India
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Rs. 450.00
Economic reforms in India, with its urban bias and overemphasis on the industrial sector have pushed agriculture totally to the background. The existence of a dynamic agricultural sector is crucial not only for industrialisation of an economy, but for the overall growth and development. In a less developed country like India it is the agricultural sector which plays a dominant role in gearing the country into the desired channels of growth. The strength of the industrial sector of the economy depends, inter alia, on the strength of the agricultural sector. Any kind of negligence towards the agricultural sector will retard the growth of the industrial sector. The relevance of different issues relating to agricultural development during economic reforms becomes highly significant in the context of development of the agriculturally dominated and industrially backward North-Eastern region of India. This book attempts to trace out such relevance of different issues for North-Eastern region. The research articles contributed by established scholars present a fairly comprehensive account of the agricultural economy of the North-Eastern region, analyse the strength and weakness of the agricultural sector in the perspective of economic reforms initiated in 1991 and work out key policy measures for accelerating agricultural growth. The book should be of immense use to students, teachers, professionals and policy makers interested in the agricultural economy of the North-Eastern region in particular and India is general.
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