Drinking Water Management

Drinking Water Management

Regular price Rs. 495.00

Water is absolutely essential for all living organisms. It plays a pivotal role in determining the life span of the population of a country. In economics the demand for water for production and consumption purposes, and the problems pertaining to water supply have been studied with avid interest. This area of study is usually called the economics of water management. In fact scientists who have committed themselves to the conquest of the problem of water scarcity have drawn a lot of inspiration from these studies. The book on 'Drinking Water Management : Problems and Prospects' brings to light the existing problems of drinking water supply in different parts of the world with special emphasis on Kanyakumari District, The drinking water policies we have so far followed have resulted in much wastage of our precious water resources. Government both at the centre and the states have invested a lot on drinking water programmes. There are different water managing authorities involved in implementing water schemes. In record, we have achieved significantly. Yet, there is wide variation in the quantity of water available per inhabitant. Water quality is another menace, which reduces the utility of the existing limited water resources. Water pollution tells upon not only the health of people but also other living organisms including plants. This book makes an earnest attempt to create awareness of the perennial problem of drinking water and its management.


J. Cyril Kanmony (b. 1956), M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., B.G.L., Ph.D., is Reader in the Department of Economics, Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. He did his post-graduation and research in Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, then affiliated to Madurai University, Madurai. He has published 21 learned articles in various journals and books and has, to his credit,  27 well-researched papers presented in various Seminars and Conferences. He has co-authored "Economic Statistics, Mathematical Methods", "Human Rights Education and authored "Economics of Human Rights Violation" and Edited "Economics of Human Rights and Health Care". He has also edited proceedings of three seminars, one sponsored by the Planning Commission, Government of India and the other two  sponsored by the University Grants Commission. He is completed two UGC-funded Project 'Human Rights Violation and Its Economic Significance with Special Reference to Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli Districts' and 'Drinking Water Management : Problems and Prospects'.

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