Development Issues in North-East Region
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The present economic experiences have reaffirmed the notion that the invisible hands of market would always continue to accelerate growth process in a sustained manner. Market oriented development strategies have to encourage private sector involvement in the development process, limiting the governments's role as a facilitator and developer of private sector through the investment in building physical infrastructure and human resources so as to create an environment conducive for private sector development. The past decade has shown a shift of paradigm in this direction i.e., from government as main engine of development to private initiatives. In the context of the process of privatization and liberalization, the people of north-east region need to be encouraged to decide and take initiative in improving their condition by their own enterprise and hard work. In order to answer such questions, a seminar was organized by the Department of Commerce, Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar on 8th and 9th February 2005. The present volume is a collection of papers presented in the seminar.
Kangki Megu ( b.1972) (M.Com) is presently working as a Lecturer (Sr.) in Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. He had presented about 10 research papers in regional/national seminars. He has also a good number of research papers published in various journals/periodicals and has edited books. He is also a life member of Social Science Research Institute of Arunachal Pradesh (SSRI), an NGO actively working in social science research of Arunachal Pradesh. The present volume is an outcome of a national seminar organized by the author in February 2005.
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