Dairy Management In India
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Rs. 250.00
Despite its vast cattle wealth India?s place is at the rock-bottom with regard to the yield and per capital consumption of dairy products. The growing population and over populated cities and towns in the post-Independence period have attracted wide notice. This has necessitated the involvement of the Government to bring dairying in public sector with a view to cater to the ever-growing needs of urban and rural people. Dairy farming, an important subsidiary to agriculture, has been playing a vital role in India?s rural economy. For the micro-level study of Dairy Units, conducted in this volume, the author has selected warangal, a prominent Telangana district of Andhra Pradesh. It is among the oldest Diaries established in the major cities of Telangana after Hyderabad. In this study, the author fulfils the gap in the field of managerial aspects of dairying and makes interesting observations like over-staffing, the un-economic strength of man power, low procurement, high over-head charges in spite of increase in milk sales. It further aims at democratisation of dairy industry by forming producers? cooperatives and consumers? councils so as to facilitate paying remunerative price to rural producer and supplying quality milk at reasonable price to the consumer. Such a significant study of the Dairy problems is bound to prove as a great help and satisfaction to all those concerned with the field of dairying.
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