Crop Diversification and Food Security in India
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About the Book
The structure of the Indian agricultural economy has undergone radical transformation due to green revolution after independence. The mutation of Indian agriculture from traditional agriculture to high value agriculture in recent years has been remarkable. Moreover, the economy witnessed that the consumption pattern had shifted away from traditional cereals to a nutritious diet, which is attributable to the rapid growth of the economy. Diversification of agriculture has become an important choice to attain the objectives of a higher output growth, raising farmer’s income, generating employment opportunities, sustainability of natural resources and providing food and nutritional security.
It is in this context, the present study attempts to analyze the emerging trends, patterns and determinants of crop diversification at aggregate level as well as disaggregate level, i.e., national level, state level, district level and farm level with the special focus on the state of Uttar Pradesh. Food security aspects at various levels are also discussed in the present study. Further, it also to assess the implications of crop diversification on food security as well as on farmer’s income.
About the Author
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar (b. 1978) is working in the department of Economics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow and has also worked in DSC, University of Delhi, Delhi. Born in 1978 and he obtained his Post Graduation, M.Phil and Ph.D in Economics from CCS University, Meerut. He qualified NET-JRF and SLET in 2002 and was awarded junior and senior research fellowship from UGC, New Delhi for his doctoral work. He has published several research papers in refereed journal and done some major research projects. His research interests are in the field of agricultural development and its linkages with other sector of economy.
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