Youth in The Contemporary World
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Rs. 155.00
This volume contains thought-provoking essays contributed by scholars from the Third World, Capitalistic and Socialistic countries who participated in the International Seminar on Youth held in Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India during 17-22nd February, 1986. There are 24 articles covering all the regions of First, Second and Third World. The book deals with the following aspects of youth: 1. Vital role of youth, 2. Research on youth, 3. Problems of youth, 4. Youth deviance, 5. Demographic factors, 6. Lifelong education, 7. Comparative youth research, 8. Youth policy, 9. Youth in Islam, 10. Political participation, 11. Social conditions of the juvenile delinquency, 12. Crowd behaviour, 13. Anti-social behaviour, 14. Political behaviour, 15. Fertility control among the youth, 16. Role of youth in population problem, 17. Young recidivism, 18. National development, 19. Migration of youth, 20. Political development, 21. Small family norm in youth, 22. Contemporary youth behaviour, 23. Youth education, and 24. Conclusions. All these articles are drawn from different national cultures on various problems of the society. The book begins with an introduction about the youth, its definition, demographic profile of the world and a short gist of each chapter. The volume contains important aspects of the youth in different regions of third world, industrially advanced nations of capatilistic and socialistic blocs. It gives a fund of knowledge in different types of youth. The learned contributors belong to different fields of social science, law, voluntary organizations, social work, criminology, psychology, administrators and United Nations system.
Prof. Yedla C. Simhadri (b. 1941) holds the degree of Master of Arts in Social Work, Bachelor of Laws from Andhra University with merit. On the award of merit scholarship by the US University, he obtained Master of Arts in Sociology, Master of Arts in Criminology from Indiana States University, USA, and a Ph.D. in Sociology with specialization in Criminology from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, with a distinction. He also possesses post-doctorate degree in Youth Work from Commonwealth Centre, London, U.K., with distinction. He got a degree in Rural Youth Work from West Germanu; advanced education in Lifelong Integrated Education from Japan. He published three books and 50 articles both in national and international journals in the fields of sociology, social work, law, anthropology, criminology, history, economics, development and youth. He is visiting professor in a number of universities in India and abroad. He attended and presented papers in international conference, seminars and symposia in all five continents of the globe. He is a consultant to the UN, UNESCO, United Nations University, Academic Institutions. He organised seminars and conferences and was their director both in India and abroad. Currently he is serving as senior Professor of Sociology, and Chairman of Board of Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. He is Vice-President of the Research Committee of Sociology of Youth of the International Sociological Association, President of the Asian Third World Commission of the World Young Farmers’ Association, and Member
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