Tribal People and Developmental Policies
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This recently conducted empirical based analytical observation provides a clear and comprehensive understanding to the study of tribal development in Telangana. Thus, the book presented in five chapters including introductory chapter which examines issues based on the rights of Scheduled Tribes. The second chapter ‘ITDAs and Governance’ presents the historical context of the ITDAs, its objectives, structure and administration. The third chapter details the policy framework of ITDAs and presents detailed demographic analysis of Scheduled Areas. The fourth chapter analyses the existing conditions of Scheduled Tribes and presents qualitative analysis based on the field data in the form of people’s opinion on the major welfare programmes which were being implemented through the ITDAs. Finally, concluding observations were summarised in final chapter along with methodological propositions.
About the Author
Sunkari Satyam (b. 1976) is now with Council for Social Development, from Political Science discipline and specialized in Public Policy. He holds Ph.D. from University of Hyderabad. He has been engaging in social science researches such as Analytical, Participatory, Action, Evaluation and Monitoring. His publications primarily focus on Rural Poverty, Social Justice, Welfare and Developmental Policies of Adivasis and Dalits, and Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions. He has published so far two books – Women in Gram Panchayats and Poverty Elimination in Rural India. The present book helps to developmental professionals and policy makers, social sciences’ research scholars and NGOs to understand the development pattern of Adivasis.
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