Tribal Development Administration
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Rs. 280.00
The tribes constitute about 8 percent of the entire population of the country and about 90 percent of them live below the poverty line. Age-ole social and cultural handicaps coupled with environmental factors have, to a significant extent, contributed towards their low-level of living. Besides, they have been victims of exploitation by non-tribal landlords, businessmen and money lenders who could find access to the areas inhabited by them. Article 46 of the Constitution of India assured a progressive life to the members of the weaker sections of the people in general, and to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in particular. The goal was the emancipate them from all forms of deprivation and exploitation. Naturally, the development to be effected was bound to be multidimensional. The crucial role to be played by the administrative machinery in such multidimensional development can hardly be emphasized. This study presents a comprehensive picture of tribal development administration in Santal Parganas in Bihar. Beginning with the evolution and administrative organisation of tribal development administration in the district, the study very comprehensively presents the picture of training mechanisms of development personnel, their powers functions and role, systems of supervision, control and co-ordination, and popular participation therein. The study concentrates on the actual behaviour and working of the administrative organisation, attitude and zeal of the development personnel, and the perception and willingness of the tribal people themselves to accept the services rendered.
Dr. Chandreshwar Prasad Singh (b. 1951) M.A. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D. has had a brilliant academic career. He has been working as a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, Bhagalpur University for the last eight years where he is teaching Public Administration, Indian Administration and Indian Government and Politics. He also supervises the doctoral research work on Political-Administrative subjects of topical interest. He is a life member of All India Political Science Association and Indian Institute of Public Administration. He has to his credit a number of papers on tribal administration.
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