Tibetan Refugees in India: Struggle to Survive
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The edited volume diligently travels down the lanes of history of refugee life, their plight, educational gauntlets and cultural survival in India. No one can take a U-turn from the fact that India is not the second home of Tibetans living in exile. The sociology of Tibetans in India is both intriguing and interesting when traced from the time of their arrival in the country of their choice, until today. Their issues and challenges have changed to a greater extent along with their social and political preferences, if not cultural. Owing to this some quality educational institutions aided by professional institutes are operational in catering to the needs of the all-important generation-next, reflecting their community consciousness.
The present edited version besides introduction is a compilation of some nine articles based on the author’s research work along with his colleagues and co-authors and Sociology researchers and analysts working in the field from 2007-17. The rest of the write-ups are based on studies on the subject and analysis on Tibetan refugee Society at Dharamshala, Tibetan women, prisoners, etc. The objective of this volume is to present a contemporary outlook of Tibetan Society covering myriad themes like sociology, politics, education and culture. The author’s approach is purely sociological and interpretive in texture, relative in nature and subjective in attempt. The Tibetan refugee dream may not be a ‘ Blue song’ beauty but indeed a theme song of their originality!
Dr. Adfer Rashid Shah (b. 1983) is a New Delhi based Sociologist, Writer and Senior Researcher. In 2015, he earned his Doctorate in Sociology from the reputed Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India. Currently he is the Associate Editor (for south Asia) at Eurasia Review (ISSN 2330-717X), and the Associate Editor of the prestigious peer reviewed journal, ‘Women’s Link’ (ISSN 2229-6409) at SNCWS in Jamia Millia Islamia. He has been writing copiously on conflict in Kashmir, Pilgrimage sociology and a wide range of other socio-political issues in south Asia. His recent publications include two books “Kashmir-Yearning for Peace: A Socio-Political history of Uncertainty and Chaos” (ISSN: 978-3-659-55971-6), and Social Science Research in Conflict Zones (ISBN: 978-620-2-47937-0), besides many research papers and articles in prestigious journals.
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