The Political Philosophy of Bertrand Russell
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Rs. 125.00
In the face of the deteriorating human environment in the world, the Philosophy of Bertrand Arthur William Russel stands apart as a rational guide to face the cult of violence prevalent everywhere today. The present volume covers a wide range of burning topics dealing with State, Freedom, Communism, Education and World Peace. Russell had immense faith in the role of parents and teachers in establishing a rational and scientific society. The importance of early childhood education is recognized in building up a free personality which could stand against the onslaughts of all dogmatic faiths and fanatic creeds like nationalism, patriotism, communism, capitalism and fascism. Russell’s views on modern warfare revolve round the idea that it is not only war which is dangerous but the growing mental slavery of people to the idea being perpetuated by State as the Chief Controller of modern technology that proliferation of weapons deters war. His reconstruction plan of the industrialized capitalist system falls somewhere between the Anarchist and the Guild Socialist. His contribution to communist philosophy never loses sight of the fact that in practice communism transforms itself into a society as mechanical as Capitalism with equally degrading effects on individual personality. His writings are a prophecy. This volume is not only an analysis of Russell’s work but also a total experience of his Humanism.
Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Singh (b. 1955) did her M.A. in 1976 from Agra University, securing first division and was awarded Ph.D. in 1983 by the same University. Dr. Singh started her teaching career from Banasthali Vidyapith, the prestigious women’s institution in Rajasthan immediately after her Post-graduation. She is currently serving as lecturer of Political Science in the Kamla Nehru College, Delhi University. Dr. Singh has contributed learned articles in national dailies such as Patriot, Hindustan Times and Indian Express. She also presented research papers in ICSSR sponsored seminars. She was closely associated till 1986 with the Delhi Chapter of Bertrand Russell Study Forum. Promoting Russell’s liberalism in thought and action.
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