The Delhi Declaration: Cardinal of Indo-Soviet Relations: A Bibliographical Study
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Rs. 300.00
Political, economic and cultural relations between Indian and Soviet Peoples go back more than 2000 years. These relations have been ever growing. The two nations, known for democracy and humanism, call upon the peoples and leaders of all countries make the world free of weapons of mass destruction and war. Following this statement, the Delhi Declaration sets forth the principles to ensure building up a nuclear weapon-free and non-violent world, besides consolidating further Indo-Soviet friendship. The orientation towards the universally accepted human values and humanitarian goals makes the Delhi Declaration a truly innovative document. Today, when mankind is balancing on the brink of annihilation through nuclear war, the Delhi Declaration provides basic tenets of survival and progress. This makes it an event for historical importance. The book makes very comprehensive bibliographical study of the subject covering the period November 1986 to December 1988. It takes the subject matter, in a very large canvas dealing with international relations, economics, commerce, trade, bilateral co-operation, industry, power-projects, science and technology, education, culture and peace etc. The book is addressed to a large audience comprising students of international relations and studies, academics, political elites, economists, decision makers and policy planners, and the personnel dealing with foreign relations etc. in India, USSR and al other countries alike.
Dr. Shri Nath sahai (b.1929) was awarded Ph.D. degree in 1969 for his empirical research on Library and the Community, which has been adjudged as a "remarkable and praiseworthy contribution to library literature". He has also worked as Project Director of several projects sanctioned by the Social Science Documentation Centre (ICSSR), New Delhi. Dr. Shri Nath Sahai has been University Librarian at the University of Jodhpur,Rajasthan (India)from 1976 to 1988 where he held the rank and status of University Professor. Before this assignment, he was at the Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. He has worked also as Documentation Officer at the Reseach Library of A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna (Bihar). He has lectured for some time at the library schools in U.P. and Bihar. His research papers have been published in the reputed professional and academic journals in India and abroad. Authorof nine books, Dr. Sahai has contributed stories, poems, essays and criticism etc., to the leading literary journals and the national dailies. He has also talked very frequently on AIR. He received the Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthan Award (Government) 1976-77 for his book pust-kalaya Avam Samudaya. He is indexed, biographically, in the Who's Who of Indian Writers, published by Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters), New Delhi. He is member of ILS, IASLIC and IAAL.
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