Student’s Attitude Towards Religion
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Rs. 150.00
According to Hegel all that has worth and dignity for man, all wherein he seeks his happiness, his glory and his pride finds its ultimate centre in religion. Thus God is supposed to be the beginning of all things and the en of all things. Some believe that religion is deeply rooted in man?s volition, in his noble feelings and emotions. Out of their feelings arises the trust that the world is not a meaningless play of blind forces but the revelation of a good and great being. This gives rise to concentration of mind, meditation and finally personality. According to Murray personality is the controlling organ of the body affecting change from birth to death. Man is the only animal that does not have to begin anew in every generation but can take advantage of the knowledge which has been accumulated through the centuries. The studies in this book have been conducted to find the relationship between personality factors and religion and makes an empirical study of the impact of intelligence on the students? attitude towards religion. What is attitude? Attitude has been defined in several different ways over the years. Some have defined attitude as a complex of feelings, desires, fears, convictions, prejudices or other tendencies that have given a set or readiness to act to a person because a varied references. The learned author has produced an outstanding work by investigating a subject of deep philosophical and psychological dimensions which will not only benefit the students and teachers of these disciplines but will also help in enlarging the frontiers of knowledge of all those who are deeply interested in this subject.
Dr. O.P. Kohli (b. 1942), obtained his M.A. (History) and LL.B. from the University of Jammu. After doing his M.Ed. from H.P. University in 1983, he got his Ph.D. Degree from the Panjab University in 1990. His area of specialisation is Education. After teaching in various educational institutes in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, he joined SCERT in 1991. At present he is serving as Senior Consultant in the PDPA Deptt. of the State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT), New Delhi.
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