Sociology Of Underdevelopment: Theories And Critiques

Sociology Of Underdevelopment: Theories And Critiques

Regular price Rs. 150.00

This book, a companion volume to author?s Sociology of Development: Concepts, Theories and Issues, covers main currents of Marxian sociological thought on what has come to be known as ?Sociology of Under-development.? It deals with the theories that developed during the course of Marxist criticism of the theoretical framework and research strategies of the Sociology of Development and elaboration of new Marxist concepts. The four chapters that comprise the book together attempt to present the picture of sociology of underdevelopment. Chapter I brings out the vision and varieties of conflict theory in general on which is premised the Marxist discussion of development and uderdevelopment. In chapter II Marx?s and Neo-Marxists? theories of social change and development are discussed. Chapter III summarizes the diverse interpretations that are now current in the contemporary Marxist treatment of development and under-development. In the final, IV Chapter, the critiques of the Marxist discussion of development and under-development are put forward. Taken together, the two volumes give a critical account of the state of Sociologies of Development and Underdevelopment. Like the earlier volume, this work endeavours to examine critically the principal types of Marxist theories, and the works of individual sociologists enter this examination only insofar as they represent these types. In other words, the book is not compilation of individual scholars? view; it is, rather a guide to orient the reader in the bewildering jungle of writings in the area of sociology of underdevelopment.

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