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The present title Society and Culture of North-east India is a collection of essays that attempts to explore the prehistoric archaeological studies on North-east India, besides incorporates wide-ranging thought-provoking essays concerning socio-cultural anthropological nature that covers the customary laws, opium consumption, and its related issues, inter-state border weekly market, indigenous knowledge of wild edible plants, health-seeking behavior, HIV/AIDS among the female sex workers, socio-religious beliefs of diverse ethnic groups of North-east India. We believe the volume will enhance the understanding and serve the interest of social and cultural anthropologists, besides other social scientists, health administrators, policymakers, and anyone with a concern about the population groups of North-east India.
Sarthak Sengupta (b.1955) is a former Professor and Head of the Department of Anthropology; and Director (i/c), Centre for North-east Studies, Dibrugarh University, Assam. He worked with the AnSI (1983-1989) and NEHU, Shillong (1995-1996) for quite some time. Professor Sengupta published around 300 research articles in various reputed national and international journals besides several chapters in edited volumes and twenty-six well-knitted books on people of North-east India. He has mentored fourteen numbers of Ph. Ds and completed several major research projects. He is an active life and executive member of several professional anthropological bodies and a member of editorial boards of The Indian Journal of Anthropology, West Bengal; Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics, Lucknow; Journal of Indian Anthropological Society, Kolkata; Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology, Dibrugarh University, Assam. At present, he is Vice Chairperson of the Indian National Confederation and Academy of Anthropologists (INCAA), Kolkata, and Vice–President, Indian Anthropological Society, Kolkata.
Juri Borah (b. 1990) is presently working as an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Anthropology at the Gurucharan College of Assam. She completed her Master’s degree (2012) and Ph. D (2018) both from the Department of Anthropology, Dibrugarh University. The areas of her research interests are reproductive health, nutrition, demography, dermatoglyphics, and ethnomedicine. She has written around 40 research publications in various peer-reviewed/Scopus indexed National/International journals, and as book chapters besides several popular articles to date. She has also published two edited compilations on Anthropology of Northeast India and is also the editor of the journal “Mankind”, an annual Journal of the Department of Anthropology, Gurucharan College, Assam. She organized a National Webinar on Urgent Anthropological research in Northeast India. Dr. Borah is a Life Member of the Indian National Confederation and Academy of Anthropologists (INCAA), West Bengal, and a Founder Member of the United Indian Anthropology Forum (UIAF).
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