Self Employment Schemes In Urban And Semi Urban Areas
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The successive Five Year Plans could not generate employment potential to meet the ever increasing demand of employment, especially, in Urban and Semi-Urban areas. The explosive increase in the number of educated unemployed every year is quite alarming. Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India introduced Self Employment Schemes, among others, to tackle the problem of unemployment among educated young men and women in India. The present study pertains to organisation and management of SES programmes in Urban and Semi-Urban age as in Andhra Pradesh. It reveals several interesting factors like unscientific approach in identifying the beneficiaries, unhelpful condition of extending financial assistance by the State Government agency and financial institutions, multiple agencies involved in the process of grounding the projects and making the beneficiary to run from pillar to post, no further financial assistance after grounding the project, lack of training facilities to entrepreneurs etc. The study has several suggestions, for effective organisation management and evaluation of SES programmes in Urban and Semi-Urban areas some of which are as mentioned below. Planned programme with targets fixed making funds available keeping in view the backward regions and districts, creation of ?Beneficiaries? Identification Council?, giving an opportunity for peoples? participation, providing training programmes at the capital and district head quarters, single roof system called ?Guidance and liason cell? at the District Industrial Centre to serve the entrepreneurs running from pillar to post and creation of ?Periodical Assessment and Reporting System (PARS)? to help formulate policies and programmes and also to review and guide the implementation of programmes.
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