Rural Development and Solar Energy
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This book entitled “Rural Development and Solar Energy: Utilization of Schemes in Tripura”.
This book covers altogether 6 selected chapters from joint research paper of Dr. Tamal Chaudhuri, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar, Tripura and Dr. Debamalya Ghose, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Jawaharlal Nehru School Of Management Studies, Assam University (A Central University), Silchar, Assam.
To achieve the objectives of research the study has organized six chapters coupled with selected Bibliography and Appendix.
Chapter I: The chapter entitled “introduction” here the study will present the basic concept of renewable Energy schemes, its consumer choice and selection as well as utilization, objective, research questions, scope, limitation, research methodology.
Chapter 2: It is entitled as “ Conceptual frame work” consisting energy, main source of energy utilized in Tripura power consumption (household, trade, business, industries) and its advantages, cost of energy, worldwide, national, Tripura and a wide range of literature review.
Chapter 3: This chapter consist “Power Demand and Supply position Tripura”. Study has been taken 10 years power demand and supply data based in from 2004- 2005 to 2015- 2016 to find out trend analysis.
Chapter 4: The name of the chapter is “Current level of consumer choice and selection as well as utilization of different renewable energy schemes in Tripura”. This chapter consist consumer choice, behaviour, their income level, government subsidy and motivational factors.
Chapter 5: The name of the chapter is “Reason for adoption of consumer renewable energy different schemes in Tripura”. In this study undertake differ factors are responsible for selections of TREDA schemes by the consumers and their views.
Chapter 6: This chapter consists to “Analysis and finding”. At last the study will complete with conclusion, major findings and suggestions focus on the entire research study, highlight the opportunities, which will still exist for future research works and development in this particular area of knowledge.
Dr. Tamal Chaudhuri (b.1962), PGDM (AIMA), L.L.B. (Cal.), M.A( PM & IR), M.M.M. (Salem), M.B.A (HR), M.Phil (Management), PhD (Assam University)is the Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, Tripura. He has fourteen years (14) experience in different corporate sector (pharmectual and rubber industries) and also more than fourteen years (14) experience in University level (teaching and research). Dr. Chaudhuri is specialized in Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, and Law. His current area of interest is in “Human Resource Development” also “Contribution of Renewal energy for development of human resource”.
Dr. Debomalya Ghose (b.1978), B.E(Electr.), PGDOM, PGDLM, MBA, AMIE, PhD is the Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Jawaharlal Nehru, School Of Management studies, Assam University, Silchar. He has sixteen (16) years of teaching and research experience. Dr. Ghose is specialized in Operations Management, Information Technology Management and supply chain and logistics management. His current area of interest is in supply chain technologies.
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