Reflection Of Ethno-Science-Study On The Abujh Maria

Reflection Of Ethno-Science-Study On The Abujh Maria

Regular price Rs. 295.00

Science is the study to explain the relationship between cause and effect and this relationship is explained through induction and deduction of logical interpretation. Each and every indigenous community possesses a specific wisdom within a distinct domain in which their sustenance activities are limited and this great heritage of folk knowledge clearly reflects a scientific base which may be termed as ethno-science. The present treatise is on the Abujh Maria, a primitive tribal group of Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, who are shifting hill cultivators and are confined shifting hill cultivators and are confined in a particular territory known as Abujhmarh. The life and culture of the Abujh Marias are also cherished under the lap of forest environment. Behind all shadows of beliefs, some kind of concept of science is reflected which in turn controls their livelihood and surrounding niche. With this wisdom they not only exploit the natural resources but also conserve and preserve their bio-diversity. The close co-relationship has been highlighted between their terrestial set-up and ceestial world which ultimately has an impact on their subsistence economy and eventually it leads to restrict their family size. Due to their prolonged association with forest environment they have also developed a folk knowledge with scientific explanation which helps them during their ailment where various kinds of local herbs, plants, tubers and roots etc. at their niche are applied. Cognizance of their environment as well as mode of conservation of their bio-diversity speaks a kind of dominance of knowledge in ethno-science.

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